Getting involved

We’ve had a really good response to the action both through comments and emails, and we’ve heard that some people have already exchanged email addresses and are organising meetings around the issues raised.

If anyone else, of whatever gender, wants to get involved in future events and actions around anarcha-feminism and sexism in the movement and in capitalist society, please send your email addresses to ‘’ with ‘getting involved’ in the subject line.

We’ll get back to you later with more information.


  1. So glad I found this site. I need stuff like this to remind me that it’s really not just in my head; manarchy is alive and well in the anarchist movement…but women are fighting back.

    Anyone who wishes they knew more anarcha-feminists, please visit my new site (just made it) which aims to compile a list of anarcha-feminist contacts from all over the world . I’m personally sick of feeling like I’m alone in the fight.


  2. RESPECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I watched your video and read the article, both are excellent, and absolutely true! So many so-called anarchists fail to see sexism as a form of oppression. And worse again are the “anarchists” scumbags who say they are feminist but whose actions reveal otherwise.

    I would really love to get involved, I live in Ireland.

  3. My queer-feminist solidarity with you all…Britcore Hip Hop is beside these issues…

    Love, Peace and Respect!

  4. I don’t know If I said it already but …This blog rocks! I gotta say, that I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say I’m glad I found your blog. Thanks, đŸ™‚

    A definite great read..

  5. I am in the midwest USA. I want to get involved …. much love and solidarity.
    – Heather

  6. I would like to get involved but there seems no repsonse to your e-mail contact!

    Can you give me details of your next planned protest?

    • Sorry for being so slow at responding to people who want to get involved. We’re just collecting as many emails as we can while there’s still a lot of visits to the blog, and will get back to people very shortly….

  7. Thanks for all the links in your left sidebar. They remind me, as a man, of the importance of self-awareness and personal activism, especially the first two.

  8. I identify entirely with what was said and presented in the short film; please tell me how I can get involved.


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